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Regular price $2,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $2,000.00 USD

Looking to disappear in the snow or keep your Cybertruck cooler during the hot and sunny summer months? White colored covers can work for you during any season.

Unlike wraps, these covers can be quickly removed, swapped for different colors and reused. Drive a different color Cybertruck each day.

Our patented cover kits consist of a color vinyl surface laminated to a flexible, high-strength magnetic core. The panels easily bond to the Cybertruck's steel body. Our optional Edge-Lock system can be added to further secure the covers in place at high speeds while smoothing out any sharp Cybertruck steel edges.

To guard part of your truck against scuffs and scratches, order our Protectors to cover only the areas of your truck’s body that endure the most wear, rather than covering an entire vehicle.

Magnetic panels must be applied to a clean, dry surface on your truck's body. Make certain that your magnetic covers are clean and dry on the bonding side surfaces. Magnetic covers should be removed for regular cleaning. If you wish to keep these covers on for longer periods of time, we recommend pre-treating your Cybertruck's steel finish with an iron remover such as IronX or treat with a stainless steel sealant like ProtectaClear to prevent any rust and corrosion from developing.

PATENT PENDING (63/639,526)

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